Lanarkshire Oral Surgery Study Group
LDC Lanarkshire is delighted to be working with Tom Walker, Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, NHS Lanarkshire, to provide colleagues with the Lanarkshire Oral Surgery Study Group to discuss oral cancers and associated conditions. Our goal is to help inform colleagues and improve the referral process where you suspect or identify oral cancers in patients.
How to get involved
The Lanarkshire Oral Surgery Study Group will be run online via Zoom and is open to all members of the dental team based in Lanarkshire.
Attendance at meetings and membership of the group are free but may be limited. This group is for Lanarkshire-based professionals as the referral pathways discussed will be specific to our area.
Places will be allocated on a first-registered, first-reserved basis.
Study Group Meetings
Our evening Study Group meetings are expected to run for approximately an hour and will be guided by Tom Walker. There will be opportunities for participants to share case studies and discuss any issues which might lead to referral or oral surgery.
Our next meeting is on 23 February 2022 and will focus on skin lesions.
Wednesday 23 February 2022
Conservative and surgical treatments for skin lesions
- History of patients with skin lesion conditions
- Examination of patients with skin lesion conditions
- What is a conservative or surgical treatment for basal cell carcinoma, sebaceous cell carcinoma or melanoma
This event will be interactive. Following Tom's presentation, participants have the opportunity to share a specific case which you have identified, referred and followed through to surgery focusing on diagnosis, ease of referral and follow-up care. If you do have a case let us know when you book and remember that patient confidentiality must be respected. Our aim is to stimulate discussion and an understanding of the processes involved. Tom will also be able to answer general questions about new referrals and point people in the right direction to make these.
Wednesday 3 November 2021
TMJ: Issues, Conditions and Treatments
- History of patients with TMJ conditions
- Examination of patients with TMJ conditions
- What is a conservative treatment for TMJPDS
This event will be interactive. Following Tom's presentation, participants have the opportunity to share a specific case which you have identified, referred and followed through to surgery focusing on diagnosis, ease of referral and follow-up care. If you do have a case let us know when you book and remember that patient confidentiality must be respected. Our aim is to stimulate discussion and an understanding of the processes involved. Tom will also be able to answer general questions about new referrals and point people in the right direction to make these.
Wednesday 25 August 2021
Dental Alveolar & Soft Tissue Referrals in a “post” Pandemic Era
Covid 19 has forced us to work virtually. This way of working was pencilled in for later this decade with the new Monklands hospital being Scotland’s digital hospital. For appropriate patients we will move to a telephone first appointment with radiographs and photos required at referral. This will save 100s of first appointments a year, and reduce waiting times for all patients referred to OMFS within Lanarkshire.
This event will be interactive. Following Tom's presentation, participants have the opportunity to share a specific case which you have identified, referred and followed through to surgery focusing on diagnosis, ease of referral and follow-up care. If you do have a case let us know when you book and remember that patient confidentiality must be respected. Our aim is to stimulate discussion and an understanding of the processes involved. Tom will also be able to answer general questions about new referrals and point people in the right direction to make these.
Wednesday 7 July 2021
Signs & Symptoms of Head & Neck Cancers
Over view of signs and symptoms of oral, skin and head and neck cancer. Making effective referrals. Provision of Referral Aide Memoir for referrals.
Download the oral cancer aide memoire:
PDF version: NHS Lanarkshire HD Reference Guide February 2022
About Tom Walker
Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, NHS Lanarkshire
Tom is from Cove & Kilcreggan in Argyllshire originally, he studied medicine in Aberdeen, completed his house jobs in Gartnavel & Western in Glasgow, before working as a SHO in OMFS in East Grinstead and Cambridge. Whilst in Cambridge he demonstrated Anatomy at Downing College. He moved to Galway, Ireland to undertake basic surgical training and continued anatomy demonstration there also. He stayed in Ireland to do a further 18 months of OMFS before returning to dental school at King’s College London. Whilst he was at dental school he worked in OMFS and Emergency medicine around London and the South East. Tom undertook his SpR training in OMFS at Bristol Dental Hospital, Royal Infirmary and Children’s Hospital, Royal United Hospital, Bath and in Cheltenham & Gloucester. He also spent time at Great Ormond Street. He finished his training at the Regional Maxillofacial Unit, in Glasgow.
Tom will be supported by Caroline Pryce, LDC Lanarkshire Chair, Christina Ferry, Vice Chair, and Andrew Miller, Secretary. The Study Group is facilitated by LDC Lanarkshire.