Register for the Oral Surgery Study Group

LDC Lanarkshire is delighted to be working with Dr Tom Walker, Specialist Registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, to host a virtual Oral Surgery Study Group for Lanarkshire-based members of the dental team.

This informal group will cover a range of highly relevant oral surgery topics in the form of a series of presentations followed by question and answer sessions. Membership of the group is free but space may be limited so please register your interest as soon as possible.


7 July and 25 August

Lanarkshire Oral Surgery Study Group 2021

Register your interest for the Group led by Tom Walker and hosted by LDC Lanarkshire.

  • This study group has been set up to provide support for Lanarkshire-based dentists and members of the dental team.
  • LDC Lanarkshire is delighted to be working with Dr Tom Walker, Specialist Registrar in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, to support the Study Group. By clicking here you give your consent for us to use the information you have provided to contact you with updates on the Study Group and LDC Lanarkshire activities.