Graham McKirdy

It was with great sadness  that we learnt of the passing of our colleague & friend Graham McKirdy on 3rd May 2020 after a short period of illness.   

Graham was a member of Lanarkshire LDC for 31 years and his legacy to the work and success of the Committee over those years can never be overestimated.

He was a force of nature, one of life’s enthusiasts and was completely dedicated to the well-being of his family and of his profession. He was a prolific and much valued contributor to Committee discussions and when Graham spoke the Committee listened. He provided us with the very best information to assist us to make the many difficult decisions we were frequently faced with and for that we are all very grateful.

He had an incisive mind, a fantastically affable personality, a wicked sense of humour, a determination to succeed and to do everything to the very, very best of his considerable ability. None of us will ever forget his amazing contribution to dentistry at a local, national and UK wide level.  Our Committee benefitted hugely from Graham’s insatiable appetite for serving the cause of dentists everywhere.

He always gave of his time so generously to help others. Nothing was ever too much trouble to him and he was the go-to expert with problems big and small. He was a valued colleague to us all but he was also our friend.  

We may never see his like again.

Our deepest sympathies go to Grace, Heather & Bruce.
