Feedback Gillian Leslie Webinar

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Learning Content:
Following the announcement and publication of the new SDR by the Scottish Government, the intent of the webinar is to discuss regulatory changes and the content of the new Determination I, with the opportunity for a Q&A session for clinical questions. Information on education, patient marketing and implementation on the 1st of November 2023, will also be discussed.


  • To explain and clarify regulatory changes
  • To answer any clinical questions the dental team may have about the Determination 1.
  • To discuss the education, patient marketing and implementation.


  • To answer any clinical questions with regards to the Det 1 and be more familiar with how it works.
  • To learn what is available for the Education of Dentists and Dental teams.
  • Implementation – how this will look and work.
Very PoorPoorSatisfactoryGoodVery Good
Were the presentations relevant to general practice?*
Were the aims and objectives met?*
Please tell us about your experience and give us any suggestions for future events.